Noah Homes Summerfest

Noah Homes held their Summerfest fundraiser the weekend of June 10th, 2023 on the grounds of their facility in Spring Valley. Those in attendance enjoyed live music, appetizers, a silent and live auctions, together with a sit-down meal overseen by The Nice Guys of San Diego. 

Noah Homes is an Affinity Choice Community, a residential model that provides independence and high quality services to people with similar wants and needs through shared-cost operations and infrastructure. For instance, Noah Homes will have 90 residents, 130 staff and 30 vehicles to transport residents. That means there is always staff available to assist residents with requests related to work, social activities and care support, allowing them to maximize their independence in the broader community. 

Supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Making choices that maximize independence
Maintaining low overhead and high quality through shared costs
Evaluation to ensure compliance with Affinity Choice Community standards                                                                                                                                            

There’s no one-size-fits-all option. While some people with disabilities can do things like take a bus to work, regulate their own diet and manage their finances, others are not. Some people enjoy life in a bustling city, others enjoy the peace and quiet of a farm. Our goal is to maximize each individual’s independence in a community environment that fosters dignity and respect, as well as personal and spiritual growth.                                                                                                 

Photography by Liberty Lopez